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Talking about idols

We had a discussion about idols with my beloved friend Nat at Msn . Well she was astonished when i told her that my idol is Bruce Lee. This guy rox .

I will try to get a poster from afisorama to put it into my room. My favorite movie is "Way of The Dragon " where Chuck Norris was one of the characters involved.The final battle in the famous Coliseum was characterized as the best ever in a movie .

The story of the movie is :
In Rome, Italy, Miao's Chinese restaurant has some troubles, then Tong Lone (Bruce) goes there and help her. Bruce is a good fighter and that's why all the gangs got beat up by him. The last scene is in the famous Coliseum, Bruce VS Chuck.

There are several kind of characters that are named as idols . From "Αλίκη Βουγιουκλάκη" to "Ταμπάκης"( Plz check the site -phones are needed) and "James Dean" to "Pamela Anderson "

Well you could choose the character that you want and just send me an email telling me " hey tassos my idol is "Κωνσταντίνος Μητσοτακης " . I will try to publish your idols and give some feedback about them .

Dont be afraid to tell me your today idol i will try to be positive. Any kind of human could be characterized as idol so feel geek-y to tell so .

i am waiting your feedback.

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