Never trust modern technology. Trust it only when it is old technology.

Η εκδίκηση του σπασίκλα

Taken from "ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ - 29/11/2005"

Πρώτοι στα μαθήματα, πρώτοι στο καμάκι. Οι «νέοι σπασίκλες» (new geeks), σύμφωνα με έρευνες σε εξειδικευμένα περιοδικά και ραδιοτηλεοπτικά μέσα (περιοδικό SFX, Sci-fi channel), είναι η νέα κυρίαρχη φυλή της μέρας και της νύχτας. Οπως γράφει το SFX, βρετανικό περιοδικό επιστημονικής φαντασίας, τα πρώην «φυτά» είναι πλέον μια ανερχόμενη κοινωνική τάξη, η οποία αποτελεί κινητήρια δύναμη για τις αγορές και τις νέες τάσεις, αφού, σύμφωνα με τις έρευνες, ξοδεύουν δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ το χρόνο «κυνηγώντας τα πάθη τους».
ο παλιό στερεότυπο του μοναχικού αγοριού με τα σπυράκια και τα γυαλιά, ο υπερβολικά μελετηρός και ανιαρός φλούφλης, που στο σχολείο «ντρεπόσουν» να συναναστραφείς έχει δώσει τη θέση του στον «νεο-γκικ», ο οποίος θεωρείται πολύ δημοφιλής, κουλ και κυρίως «επιδραστικός». Αν θέλουμε να παίζουμε με τις λέξεις, το «επιδραστικός» - influential - είναι ένας σχετικά νεόκοπος χαρακτηρισμός, για όσους και ό,τι επηρεάζει τη μαζική κουλτούρα. Στη διάλεκτο του Ιντερνετ ο χαρακτηρισμός «geek» - σπασίκλας - θεωρείται πολλές φορές τιμητικός ή τουλάχιστον όχι τόσο υποτιμητικός όσο το «nerd» (φυτούκλα), αφού περιγράφει το άτομο εκείνο που ακομπλεξάριστα και χωρίς ενοχές κυνηγάει τις εμμονές του - από το χώρο της φαντασίας, των υπολογιστών, των ψηφιακών εξελίξεων - από το πρωί ώς το βράδυ, σχεδόν αδιαφορώντας για όλα τα άλλα. Σπασικλάκι θεωρούσαν κάποτε και τον Μπιλ Γκέιτς, τον πλουσιότερο άνθρωπο στον κόσμο. Σύμφωνα με την έρευνα του sci-fi channel (δημοφιλές καλωδιακό κανάλι, το αντίστοιχο του MTV για τους λάτρεις του φανταστικού), οι «νεο-γκικ» είναι συνήθως νέοι και σε ηλικία (το 80% είναι κάτω των σαράντα), οικονομικά ευκατάστατοι (το 21% ανήκει στην ανώτερη οικονομική κλίμακα) και μανιώδεις καταναλωτές προϊόντων υψηλής τεχνολογίας. Εχουν προ-παραγγείλει το νέο «πανέξυπνο» μοντέλο κινητού τρεις μήνες πριν κυκλοφορήσει με την πιστωτική τους κάρτα και λόγω της υπερπληροφόρησης από το Ιντερνετ βρίσκονται πάντα δύο βήματα μπροστά από την επόμενη τάση όπου και αν αυτή εμφανιστεί.

Η κύρια διαφορά τους από τα σπασικλάκια τού χθες είναι ότι αφού τελειώσουν ένα μαραθώνιο στο Ιντερνετ, θα συνεχίσουν τη διασκέδασή τους σε ένα «άφτερ», αφού είναι «party animals», πηγαίνουν σε μπαρ και κλαμπ υπερδιπλάσιες φορές από τους περισσότερους ανθρώπους. Ακόμα, σύμφωνα με τις στατιστικές, πλέον καταναλώνουν σεβαστές ποσότητες αλκοόλ, καθώς και «ελαφριών» ναρκωτικών ουσιών προκειμένου να καλύψουν την απόσταση από την προηγούμενη φάση της μη cool ζωής τους. Ενας τυπικός Ελληνας νεο-γκικ, σύμφωνα με αυτά τα δεδομένα, είναι γύρω στα 27, έχει σπουδάσει στην Αγγλία, έχει μια μέση θέση σε μια τεχνική εταιρεία και έχει πάθος με τα γρήγορα αυτοκίνητα, τον «Αρχοντα των δαχτυλιδιών» και την ultra cult σειρά «LOST».

Φυσικά οι περισσότεροι αμφισβητούν αυτές τις έρευνες, ιδιαίτερα αφού προέρχονται από πηγές οι οποίες θησαυρίζουν από άτομα με παρόμοια ενδιαφέροντα.

Κανείς πάντως δεν μπορεί να αρνηθεί ότι στις συνθήκες που ζούμε, το μοντέλο του «επαναστάτη χωρίς αιτία» ολοένα και περισσότερο υποχωρεί μπροστά στην εικόνα του καλοσιδερωμένου στελεχοειδούς, με την έστω ανασφαλή δουλίτσα που έχει όμως «προοπτικές εξέλιξης». Οπως δείχνουν και τα σίριαλ της περίφημης γενιάς των τριαντάρηδων, ο φλώρος δεν είναι πλέον εξοβελιστέο είδος, αλλά ο νέος περιούσιος γαμπρός. Λίγο ενδιαφέρει αν το κινητό τρίτης γενιάς χρωστάει πάγια τριών μηνών ή αν η οικογένεια ακόμα πληρώνει για τα μάστερ του.

Being Idle.............

Well i have so much work to do but anyway i will try to keep up with my blog. I have noticed that a lot of people related to art are addicted to blogs . Maria and her blog made other ppl to start writing and expressing them selfs through net.i have noticed that nowdays i spent more times on reading different blogs rather than browsing different sites or trying to find new tools regarding my work.
The problem regarding blogs i think its copy paste .... people have stopped to write their opinions because they feel bored to do so . The next options to keep up their blog alive is just copying paste ( Lakis Gavalas co ) . I dont have problems regarding pasting.....content re-usability was always an issue regarding net.I actually prefer to have the ability to copy paste something and be somehow active rather than sitting on a chair at home watching TV.being idle and waiting for something to happen is my worst nightmare.
TV as i have posted is the worst tool to pass information. its passive and it kill your f brain cells and may be train them to be idle. i really feel pathetic when i open TV at nights ...thats why i will try to get my DSL line until the end of 2005.

Kate Moss is topless....

Ever wanted to know what Kate Moss looks like when she's high on Cocaine? Well, I guess today is your lucky day. Truly, I'm not 100% sure what's going on in this video, but Kate Moss is topless and jumping around like a maniac in a photo studio. This girl is completely batshit crazy, which is why this video is a total must-see.

Stereotypes @ Eric Myer Web site

Stereotypes will always excist @ our life. Eric Myer a photographer has a really nice cool tool @ his website. I think i have already post a message regarding this guy. I really spent quite a lot of time on each character. Anyway check the site and please let me know what is your fav character.
I have a lot of emails saying to me about spelling mistakes. i reallllly would like you to forgive me since i was born to a village as kostis said "You will always be living there ...even if your house is @ Monaco" . heheh

Weekend end

Hello !
Its Monday :( Anyway the good point regarding this specifc week is that we are moving into Dec. Xmas are coming .......... This weekend i have done quite a lot of things. My aunt was here at my house. well she is almost the same like my mother. In very few hours my house was clean and was shining. It was really weird coming into my house and smell nice cooked Food. I was really astonished... anyway . ... .
Last friday we have been to several bars with George ,Mitsos and Misel. We have been to Kapaki where Lenaki was there with Filipos . We met a lot of new ppl there .Actually it was a party for the nameday of a girl named as katerina and she was also promoting her small newspaper named as "the prits". A lot of fun and new friends came up. We finished the Friday night at Pop . the meeting point .I have seen sofy after few weeks time and she told told me that she was reading my blog.I was really happy to c her
.Saturday, I was trying to fix my computer and the memory that my brother sent me from rhodes . My aunt was trying to clean the house all over weekend. Sunday we went to Acropolis. i was really astonished once again with Acropolis. I will try to be there every second Sunday . I had some pictures taken ..... Antonis my friend from Rhodes was @ Athens actually @ Pireas . We met this Sunday and we went into Stamatis place. Christi a friend of mine from Rhodes was there telling us about the nightlife here in Athens . Friday and Saturday they where at bouzoukia . Anyway ..... I have called Froso for the Matisse web site and she told me that she has some ideas regarding the specific project. She told me that she has a lot of work to do as me here but she will try to think some ideas and give me some feedback .
Kostis was travelling to Kriti last friday.I suppose he is at work now . I will try to call him later to tell me all the news regarding Kriti....

Urban Dictionary

Well this urban dictionary is really cool. You will be able to define every single word that you want. just post your comment about a word a let others to express their opinion regarding your definition . You will also be able to upload any image that you want in order to "express" your definition in a better way. Words like punk, elmo, Gay , f@ck are defined by several other people . pleaz check the site and tell me your opinion.

A real story in athens - in greek

Απόγευμα, μέσα στο λεωφορείο, κάπου στην Αθήνα...

Νεκρική σιγή αν και γεμάτο από κόσμο, μεταφέρει τους ταλαιπωρημένους από τη δουλειά Αθηναίους, αργά. Το ψιλόβροχο και τα κορναρίσματα, μάλλον χαλάνε τη διάθεση ασυνείδητα. Θέσεις πιασμένες, άνθρωποι όρθιοι, κουβέντα καμμία. Η όρθια ηλικιωμένη κυρία με το πλατινέ μαλλί και το ζωγραφισμένο από ρυτίδες και μπογιά πρόσωπο, παίρνει την απόφαση να εκδηλώσει τον αγενή και ρατσιστικό μονόλογο της. Δέκτης της ακραίας συμπεριφοράς της, ένας μετανάστης (πιθανότατα από τη Νιγηρία, κρίνοντας από το βαθύ σκούρο χρώμα του) του οποίου το δεύτερο «λάθος» -το πρώτο ήταν που ήρθε στην Ελλάδα- ήταν ότι είχε θέση και καθόταν. Με ένα «κόσμιο» λοιπον τρόπο, η πρωταγωνίστρια της ιστορίας μας, του απευθύνει το λόγο.

-Σήκω να κάτσω!


-Ε, βέβαια! Αφού σας μαζέψαμε όλους εδώ, εμείς φταίμε!


-Κάνεις πως δεν ακούς? Τι δουλειά έχεις εδώ? Γέμισε ο τόπος από μαύρους και Αλβανούς! Σα δε ντρέπεστε λέω ‘γω!


Είναι προφανές ότι η αδιαφορία που εισπράτει από τον Αφρικανό επιβάτη την εξοργίζει περισσότερο. Ο κόσμος παραμένει αδιάφορος μπροστά στη σκηνή και μόνο κάτι ψύθιροι από κάποιους που σχολιάζουν το παραλήρημα της, προδίδουν μια ανεπαίσθητη αντίδραση.

Ξαφνικά μια θέση αδειάζει ως δια μαγείας, η οποία τυχαίνει να είναι αυτή δίπλα από τον αλλοδαπό φίλο μας! Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη η ηλικιωμένη κυρία κάθεται ακριβώς δίπλα του και συνεχίζει ακάθεκτη να τον κοσμεί με διάφορα προσβλητικά επίθετα. Εκείνος δεν της δίνει καμμία απολύτως σημάσια και την αφήνει να εκτείθεται με τον πιο απλό τρόπο.

Το γεγονός στο σημείο αυτό παίρνει μία εντελώς αναπάντεχη εξέλιξη και του προσδίδει άλλο ενδιαφέρον. Δύο ελεγκτές που ανεβαίνουν στο «ξεχωριστό» αυτό λεωφορείο θα γίνουν άθελα τους πρωταγωνιστές και αυτοί, στην περίεργη –ως προς την κατάληξη της- αυτή ιστορία.

-Τα εισιτήρια σας παρακαλώ.

Μια κλασσική φράση που γεμίζει με άγχος τους λαθρεπιβάτες και κάνει τους υπόλοιπους να βάζουν το χέρι στη τσέπη τους, ψάχνοντας το «μαγικό χαρτάκι» που θα τους γλυτώσει από το να γίνουν το επίκεντρο στα μάτια των υπολοίπων.

Οι ελεγκτές ξεκινούν τη δουλειά τους από τα δύο άκρα του οχήματος, δίνοντας χρόνο στους επιβάτες που κάθονται στη μέση να βρουν με την ησυχία τους το εισιτήριο ή να σκεφτούν μια καλή δικαιολογία (για αυτούς που δεν έχουν). Κάπου εκεί κάθονται και οι πρωταγωνιστές μας. Η ηλικιωμένη κυρία βγάζει με μιας το εισιτήριο από την άσχημη δερμάτινη τσάντα της και το κρατάει ψηλά λες και έκανε καμμιά τρομερή ανακάληψη! Χωρίς να το πολυσκεφτεί ο ακίνητος και αμίλητος -μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή- αλλοδαπός πρωταγωνιστής μας, βουτάει αστραπιαία το εισιτήριο της και το τρώει! Όλοι κοιτούν με έκπληξη αλλά και κρυφή ικανοποίηση. Ο επόμενος διάλογος μεταξύ του ελεγκτή και της κυρίας είναι όλα τα λεφτά.

-Το εισιτήριο σας παρακαλώ.

-Μου το’φαγε ο Μαύρος!!! (με λυγμούς)

Κάπου εδώ ο κόσμος ξεσπάει σε γέλια, ο ελεγκτής την περνάει για τρελή και το πρόστιμο πλέον έχει γραφτεί στο μπλοκάκι του...

Flash 8 site -Dontclickit

This url came up into my mailbox today from a friend and developer here at VF. Well things are simple. Why to wait one click in order to pass info. just move your mouse over the desired selection and then just wait. This site was developed with Flash 8 . Flash 8 has reaaaaaaally good rendering options. Its fast (when its loaded , a proxy server used ),and it looks good. please check the site and tell me your opinion.

F Ote Sux

I have called Ote 10 mins ago. THESE GUYS ARE MAKING YOU MAD. the first time noone answered the phoene . the second time the line was busy and after 1 hour trying i finally got someone to talk to me on the line.

Geek:"hello , iwould like to connect a new phone line "
Advisor: "Hello, What is your name "
Geek:"Sarantis anastasios"
Advisor:"Dimitrakopolou 17 ?"
Geek:"Yes please "
Advisor: :"Ok , Monday we will be there from 8-2"
Geek:"Ehm,I am working on Monday to Friday so i could not be there "
Advisor:"So what do you want us to do "
Geek:"Well, come on weekends the officer when i order the line told me that it is possible"
Advisor:"Who told you these things , this is not possible"
Geek:"So what do you suggest , i could not be there weekdays and no-one is living at the house except me"
Advisor:"I dont know :
Geek : " So do you suggest not to go to work for one day and maybe you will be there to connect my line "
Advisor: " Sir , i told you everyone is working and we could not make any exception for anyone"
Geek:"but the sale officer told me that it is possible to come on weekends..."
Advisor: " well ok maybe on February or March "
Geek (mad voice ) :"To whom am i speaking to ? "
Advisor : " spot 17 "
Geek:" look i could not wait until march in order to get a phone line so try to to something."
Advisor (angry):"Well , sir there are not other options that you have ."
Geek:"so do you suggest something....or maybe your supervisor ?"
Advisor : "Ok OK i will post your request for this sunday , And may God be with you "
Geek (thinking F off you fucking looser i know that you are payed to do nothing and that nothing is something difficult to you ) :"......."

These guys are pathetic

i will call today for Phone Line....

I am happy today . my new phone line will be installed at my house the next few days. I will have to call the F OTE in order to get them come to my house. i have tried several times this morning but i could not get in touch with them.I want my lineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plz plz plz . I have decided that i want dsl before Xmas but as i could c here in greece things are slower than death anyway.
I have so much work to do here at VF. Everyone still has lot of work to do . Maybe its the end of Nov where all are being prepared for Xmas. This weekend was quite nice. We decided with kotsis today to go to the theatre . Still its raining but i think the play its really cool that why i will follow Kostis. anyway time to work cya around .

If you stare at the image long enough...

If you stare at the image long enough, you should see a giraffe.Kex has sent me this nice picture . plz try to be patient enough to c the Giraffe. Enjoy :)

Hello have a nice week !!

I have so much work to do this week.Anyway i will try to post some things tomorrow.In our free time (me and Froso who will be the designer) we will try to develop matisse's web site.I really dont like design anyway that;s why i think Fro-so will do better in that department.I dont think that i will ask to be paid since its Aris on the band . Well we will c. I think that Froso will do nice work on the subject.She is good designer so she knows better.Anyway we will c how this project moves because i really have so much work to do here @ VF. Cya later guys .... Ps the weekend was nice ....but it ended ....


The Geekend is coming.its friday and iam f bored to do anything here at VF. Anyway have a nice weekend and cya around guys . I will try to drink some beers tonight and have fun . You should do so ....

What is really a Geek?

Taken again from wikipedia :)

A geek is a person who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination. "Geek" may not always have the same meaning as the term nerd (see nerd for a discussion of the disputed relation between the terms).

The definition of geek changed considerably over time. Below are some definitions of the word "geek"; all are still in use to varying degrees.

  • A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and new media. Considered derogatory by some. Comparable with the classic definition of hacker. (Late 20th century and early 21st century.)
  • A person with a devotion to something in a way that places him or her outside the mainstream. This could be due to the intensity, depth, or subject of their interest. This definition is very broad, and allows for mathematics geeks, band geeks, computer geeks, politics geeks, geography geeks, geeks of the natural sciences, music geeks, theatre geeks, history geeks, Good Eats geeks (Briners), linguistics geeks, sports geeks, figure skating geeks, SCA geeks (SCAdians), gaming geeks, typography geeks, ham radio geeks, public transit geeks (metrophiles), anime and manga geeks (otaku), Stargate geeks (Stargate SG-1/Atlantis fans, Gaters), Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel geeks, Star Wars geeks, Star Trek geeks (Trekkies and Trekkers, the latter noted for costuming), Tolkien or fantasy geeks (Tolkienite), and even Wikipedia geeks. (Late 20th century and early 21st century.)
  • G.E.E.K., as an acronym, reputedly came from the United States Military; it stands for General Electrical Engineering Knowledge. It is unclear if this was the origin of the current meaning for geek, or if the acronym was used as a humorous reference toward the pre-established meaning for geek (i.e., a backronym).
  • A derogatory term for one with low social skills, regardless of intelligence. (Late 20th century.)
  • A person who swallows live animals, bugs, etc., as a form of entertainment at fairs etc. This often included biting off the heads of chickens. The Geek would usually perform in a "geek pit". This probably comes from the Scottish geck, meaning 'fool', in turn from Low German. (19th century.)
  • The precursor word "geck" or "gecke" has been used in the works of Shakespeare: "Why have you suffer'd me to be imprison'd, kept in a dark house, visited by the priest, and made the most notorious geck and gull That e'er invention play'd on?" (Twelfth Night, V.i). The word also appears in Cymbeline.

Geek has always had negative connotations within society at large, where being described as a geek tends to be an insult. The term has recently become less condescending, or even a badge of honor, within particular fields and subcultures; this is particularly evident in the technical disciplines, where the term is now more of a compliment denoting extraordinary skill.

Atari Story -Joystick junkie stories

Founded in the United States in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, Atari could be credited with starting the video arcade industry with the seminal PONG.

The home version of PONG, which connected to a television set, was one of the first video game consoles. Atari Inc. was originally called Syzygy, an astronomical term.
However, as there already existed at least one company with that name (accounts varying as to whether it was a candle company or roofing company), Bushnell wrote down several words from the game Go, eventually choosing Atari, which often is translated as "to inform an opposing player that he or she is in danger" [1], but really means only "[this particular stone] can be taken by the opponent"; if spoken towards the opponent at all this is outdated courtesy, not "check!", which means a serious threat to the King in chess. Go has no such piece. The name "Atari" is arguably also rather more memorable in terms of spelling and pronunciation for most markets.
Taken from wikipedia for more Atari just click here

Eat This -Fresh meat included!

I hate when marketing ppl are coming to me with the common phrase "do You mind fix this .......until tomorrow " (Even God had seven days to build the World as the story says )grgrgr . I really dont like marketing guys and girls . They think that everything will be developed in a sec time and will be ready for production the same day. How these people non related to IT are giving instructions ????today all day i was trying to fix a bug that this chick told me .This will always be the problem of developing .......

Tim Burtons Comics

I really like Tim Burton . This guy is really cool and knows how a Geek feels . I have the book at home .This url has several comics that the directror has made my favourite is of course the Looking Girl . I really like the character the story is really cool . Ensure that you put this link into your favourites .

Coyote Wile E.

My friend Ειρήνη from crete has sent me an email telling me about her favourite character from Looney Tunes. Coyote Wile E. From Road-Runner show was always a character that I felt sorry about. I always wanted him to catch the Road runner. They told that in one episode the Coyote finally gets the Road-runner but at the end it was only a dream. Anyway, this picture is one of my favourites . Thank you Rinio J

Worldometers -Geeky Site

A new Url came into my mailbox today. With this site you will be able to check the human population in numbers. The numbers are based in real statistic surveys and the algorithm is processed based your time on your Pc. If you change the date for the current date located @ your terminal you will be able to check the numbers for the specific numbers. I was really astonished from the numbers of deaths every f day . Please check the site here.

Ps Say hello to my Friend Damian who is living at Rhodes . This picture is from my last visit at Rhodes .

Have a nice week

Hello! Have a nice week to everyone!
I really dont like Mondays as i said in my previous Posts. Last weekend was quite interesting. Friday we went out with Mitsos and George . We have been to several underground bars and we finished the night at Bar Guru. I actually feel bored at the end of the night. It was nice talking with George and Dimi how week moved on but the thing is that I was tired moving from place to place to check the crowd.
Anyway , Saturday it was a good day of checking my mp3z and making playlists of my favorite music into my terminal at home. Finally, Sunday I went for a coffee at Plaka and try to solve the new issues regarding Sudoku at The “E” paper. I have been to Bios at noon in order to check the Intimate Transactions project. At afternoon we have been with George into a theatrical act at the theatre of “Νέος Κόσμος” which was really nice. I laughed a lot and I really like the act of those two characters. The name of the play was “Κατσαρίδα” . A friend of George was playing on the act . The weekend finished and I have so many things to do here @ VF . So cya around.

Please Smile.... its weekend coming

This is Friday at last. There are many things that i should do this weekend ! today Cake will play live for first time here @ Athens . I will try to check their live. The price related that concert is about 30 euros thats why its an issue worth going. I really want to go and check them live. Christos a collegue told me that he will go but in the Salonika Live. I first listen to cake when i was student from christos ( I salute the grandmaster or funk Mr katapodis ) . I will survive ( Gloria Gaynor) remake is one of my favourite tracks ever . They have done other remakes 2 . I think it will be a good live ...
Anyway , This weekend i will also try to check the Intimate Transactions project at Bios . I am really weird to check the installation. I have check the specs and actually the technology related was quite memorable . I wiil get you feedback in order to check . we have not met with Kostis since he came back from Kriti thats why i will try to contact him this weekend. Anyway guys i hope everyone has the best weekened ever, i will ..... so cya around geekies and please smileeeeeeeeeeee like a Geek do :)

My First Pop Up

I really dont like Pop ups and since this morning i noticed that i have one pop up at my blog. well sorry about this inconvience , i will try to kill it the next days . I dont have anything inside the blog like commercials or anything like it . Anyway cya aruond weekend starts ..... i will try to be @ cake concert tonight.......

Ps The fish at the picture is not C-fish . :P

Dorothy Eustatoglou pics from Barcelona .

I think i have told you about my friend Dora who is studing an Erasmus course @ Barcelona.She has sent me some pictures from Barca last afternoon.The first two pictures are from the famous park of Gaudi (Sagrada Familia).
The specific project as Dora told me is still under construction from 1925.The third picture is from a temple named Santa Maria which is huge.And the last pictures are from the centre of Barcelona a building that Gaudi has constructed. Enjoy the view. I will try to visit her as soon as possible.
I have heard good words wispered at my ear regarding Barcelona.I had plans to visit the town this Xmas but i have to go to Rhodes . Since its the last chance to see Barca and Dora together i will try to visit the town after Xmas.
Dora still has not sent me pics regarding the university and her personal life there.Well , she promised that she will send me as soon as possible more. Well, i hope you enjoyed the view ...i did .....

Geeky books Taken From Wired.

These are some books that Wired submit as the GEEK-y books ever .My favourite is of course the Hackers which later was moved into cinema screens.To tell you the truth i have not read all of them but i will try to getsome of them through Net. The Geek lifestyle is spreaded ...
  • Count Zero by William Gibson: Bobby Newmark
  • The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage by Cliff Stoll: ???
  • The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Brude Sterling: a historical 'what-if' speculation on the life and work of Charles Babbage (Godfather of all Geeks)
  • Fallen Angels by Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven and Michael Flynn (great geek book): the entire cast of characters
  • Hackers by Stephen Levy ???
  • Headcrash by Bruce Bethke: Jack Burroughs
  • The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran: Trent the Uncatchable (Geek? liar, charlatan, and in later centuries is commonly known as the incarnation of God)
  • Lucifer's Hammer by Niven and Pournelle: There is an astronomer who works at JPL as a computer programmer ????
  • Microserfs by Douglas Coupland: Todd, Bug, Abe, Michael, Karla, Susan and Daniel. (Epic Geek stuff about 7 Microsoft employees. See July WIRED for an excerpt)
  • Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson: ???
  • Neuromancer by William Gibson: Case
  • The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner: Nicholas Haflinger
  • Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson: Hiro Protagonist
  • The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy: "Skip" Tyler (Naval Engineering geek) and Ron Jones (computers and sonar geek)
  • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein: Manuel O'Kelly Davis
  • The Naked Computer by Joe Cottonwood: about a systems programmer ??? who falls in love with his PDP-10 and creates a personality for it that loves him
  • The Past Through Tomorrow by Heinlein - Andrew "Slipstick" Libby
  • The Sum of all Fears by Tom Clancy: Dr. Ron Jones (Naval Engineering geek) and Ibrahim Ghosn (an Arab Terrorist geek)
  • When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One by David Gerrold: Dr. David Auberson (project manager) and Don Handley (senior designer)

Geek Fanatique- Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol, from an interview with G.R. Swenson, "What is Pop Art?: Anwers from 8 Painters, Part I," Artnews 62 (November 1963), p. 26.
The pop artist Andy Warhol once approached me at a party and told me that he collected scientific journals, but he couldn't understand them. He drifted away, then came back and said, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" "Of course not," I replied. He asked, "Why does science take so long?" I said, "Mr. Warhol, when you do a picture of Marilyn Monroe, does it have to be exactly like her, as close to being her as you can make it?" He said, "Oh no. And anyhow, I have this place called the Factory where my helpers do it." I said, "Well, in science it has to be exact, as exact as you can make it." He looked at me with limp sympathy and said, "Isn't that terrible?"

Gerald M. Edelman Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (1992)

Photo Credit: Billy Name. Andy Warhol/Iconic Divisionist. 1964 (note: photo altered)

Want more info on Andy? Check out the Andy Warhol Museum!

The Ultimate Geek Test

Check how GEEK are you . This is the ultimate Test in order to check the Geeky other person that you hide . This test rulez , actually its quite big. Please check the ultimate test.The book pictured @ this post has definite bestseller potential. More importantly, it sounds like a potentially great reading experience.I will try to find the E-book from the net next week in order to read it. So Try the Geek Way ....

Last Feedback From Ioanna Hatzidiakou's personal portofolio.

Αυτές οι φωτογραφίες μπορεί να μην αποτελούν μια ολοκληρωμένη ενότητα αλλά η κοινή τεχνική που επέλεξα για να τις αποτυπώσω είναι αυτή που της “ενώνει”. Άλλωτε προς το θέμα μου και άλλωτε προς τον φωτογραφικό φακό η τεχνική light painting δίνει μία άλλη διάσταση στις εικόνες που πάντα με ενδιέφερε και με γοήτευε γιατί δημιουργώ μια εικόνα όχι με τη κλασική μέθοδο αλλά παράλληλα έχω την ευθύνη και γι αυτό που δε βρίσκεται μπροστά μου, το χρώμα και τα σημεία που επιλέγω να “ζωγραφίσω” με τον πρόσθετο φωτισμό.

Ιωάννα Χατζηδιάκου

Matteo Masserani Photo instructions

I really love this guy pics .Please check his site with his photograph portofolio. There are several sections. My favourite section was regarding fetix. Please check his site here.

Strange Fruits -Art and Design portal

StrangeFruits is another artistic site with projects that are quite nice.This url came into my attention from a friend of mine doing some animated art here for VF. There are several categories from Architecture to Multimedia projects. please check the site and tell me your opinion.I actually loved some art related photographs. Please check the site and give me any feedback .

Monday Monday Monday !

Monday sux ! Anyway Hello guys:) New week coming .Well i have so many things to write for this weekend . Lets start with Friday .Giannis a friend of mine from Rhodes is a soldier @ the military camp of Aulona . Actually it is the same military camp , i have been as a soldier. Well George told me that we should go to the Electrelane consert. Aris told us that we could see the concert for only 10 euyros . he gave our names to the entrance so we paid only 10 euros .Thnks Aris .
Actually the concert was quite boring. ok Matisse had a good performance (it was better than AN live performance) . Now about Electrelane , ok these chicks was nice but actually their sound was boring ( Its my opinion ) .We had a good time with George dancing and meeting new people . Saturday we went with John tou several Bars and we have been for a coffee with Froso .A new bar came into my attention close to POP which was really spiritual. I really dont remember the name but it was inside the STOA Praxitelous :) After that bar we have been to SOUL ( for john actually he is more into electronic sounds ) .We met there Liberte and some friends of her. I really felt bored but ok john liked the spot so ..... We met Mitsos and George at a small bar named as Kinky . I really like the place and i think it will be our new meeting point. Sunday was a relax day , we havee been into several places including Stamos place. I really love weekends . anyway guys c you around .

Weekend Fever

Hello ! I hope everyone is ok. It is Friday at last. well i have so many things to do this weekend .I could not find anyone that really want to pay about 22 euros to c Electrelane live. I think that all of my friends would like to go to drink a coctail @ Pop. anyway , yesterday i have been with Mitsos As i told you for a drink-coffee.I told him about the thoughts that i have in mind and we have been talking about all that kind of staff. I have also called Kostis last Wed in order to c how are things down to Crete.I have found a way in order to publish data from here VF since the support team thought that they should block all the blog ftp uploads.These guys are really pissing me off. Last afternoon i had problems with my login account and i called the support center .I think are the worst ppl related to IT . because they have the authority to permit or not to the systems they believe that they are actually the center of the universe. Anyway ....

Admins Sux

Hello! Today i had problems uploading content and pictures into my blog from here. well the f admins of the the network decided that we should use this current system from here in order to have the Badwidth for their own. !##$$%^&^*&*&. F*ckers . anyway , i had my own ways to log in into the system and upload my content with out be traced. Anyway , i will try get my dsl line as fast as i can in order to have net @ Home .

Intimate Transactions @ Bios

Intimate Transactions is an exciting new form of interactive installation that allows two people in separate spaces to interact simultaneously using their bodies.Each person uses a physical interface called a 'Bodyshelf'. By gently moving their bodies on this 'smart furniture' they influence an evolving 'world' created from digital imagery, multichannel sound and tactile feedback.

This shared experience allows each participant to gradually develop a form of sensory intimacy with the other, even though they are geographically separated and cannot physically see or hear each other.

As this highly immersive experience evolves, each participant begins to sense their part in a complex web of relations that connect them, and everything else within the work.

The installation will be placed @ Bios from 12-23/11 (14:00-22:00).You have to pay about 10 Euros to For further information visit the Intimate Transactions website and Bios web site.

Everyone is busy ....

Since last Sunday that i came back to Athens i have not met with anyone here. Everyone is busy . What the F , November is the working hard month 4 everyone?.We are quite busy here @ VF new platform came up and me and Christos Are testing the new envoironment.Actually to tell you the truth its really boring to involve into something like that. Anyway, I will try to get in touch with Mitsos today so we could go for a drink or maybe a late coffee close to the center.This picture is from Rhodes @ Baduz where the famous Go-Go Girl Dikaia Works.Now back to work .

The Raveonettes -Pretty In Black Album

This album came into my hands last week when i travelled to Rhodes. My beloved friend Manos gave it to me with the best comments.Since i got this cd into my cdplayer i could not resist to listen to it . IT really rox .I will try to buy it from the metropolis next week.I have not listen a good album like it the last few months.I also got from Manos the new album from Franz Ferdinand.I have heard some tracks but actually i have not gave the appropriate attention.
I have also buy from metropolis The 2 cds of The Music. They are good but actually their style is far from my ear instincts.I will try to publish some feedback regarding new cds next week.

November Heat

Hello hello !I hope everyone is ok and doing fine. There are lots of concerts this month. I will try to be in some of them ( actually i would like to be in all of them but always an issue) . The listings are here :

  • 3 (Πεμ) A HA ( 30 euros Στάδιο Ειρήνης & Φιλίας )
  • 4 (Παρ) Electrelane ( 22 euros @Gagarin )
  • 11 (Παρ) Dj Food ( 15 euros @ Bios )
  • 11 (Παρ) Cake ( 30 euros @Gagarin)
  • 18 (Παρ) Film ( - @House of Art )
  • 18 (Παρ) Matisse (10 euros @Στον Αέρα )
  • 24 (Πεμ) The Orb (15 euros @ Bios )
  • 21 (Δευ)Στέφανος Ρόκος -Έκθεση Ζωγραφικής-Χαρακτικής: «Θόρυβος και Χρήσιμα Αντικείμενα» (-@ Αίθουσα Τέχνης Αγκάθι ).
